Better Health Naturally With These Foods
Better health naturally by implementing a healthy diet is only limited to the plan without any result. Even so there is still time to fix it through a simple way to smarter food choices.
According to the nutritionist from New York University, Lisa Young, if you want to realize the intention to eat healthy, be oriented towards small steps key to success. Here are some smart and simple way to choose
healthy foods that can be implemented for a Better health naturally.
1. Choose fresh fruit rather than juice.
Juice, seem healthy, but these drinks are high in sugar and low in fiber. While fresh fruit contains more fiber and water than fresh juice. Fiber and water is needed to lose weight. By choosing fresh fruit, such as oranges, for example, than orange juice, can reduce calorie intake by 150 calories. Imagine how many calories can be reduced if you are used to eating fresh fruit every day.
2. Choose yogurt, not donuts.
Bored with the same breakfast? Vary the breakfast menu with yogurt but avoid donuts. Yogurt filling longer especially if adding fresh fruit as a topping. While if you choose breakfast donuts, not satiated obtained, but the body at risk of excess calories. Because the calorie content on a donut is high with little nutrients.
3. Choose whole wheat.
whole wheat foods contain a lot of nutrients and fiber. Such as brown rice, oatmeal, or foods that are trends in the western world. On the contrary, avoid white bread, white rice and white pasta.
4. Drinking mineral water, avoid sodas.
Containing soda, refined sugar which is a liquid sweetener, and high in calories. Replacing soda with mineral water can cut hundreds of calories. If you want to add flavor, only mineral water mixed with pieces of lemon, orange or cucumber.
5. Select English muffins instead of bagels.
Want variations breakfast with western-style food, select English muffins instead of bagels if you want to decimate up to 200 calories. Both of these foods are actually similar, yet different comparison. Eating a bagel is equivalent to eating five slices of bread, English muffins while the equivalent of two slices of bread.
6. Choose a salad as an appetizer, not fried.
If there is a choice of appetizers such as salads or a variety of fried foods, start changing habits. Choose salads, to start a great meal. Vegetables contain vitamins and high minerals, rich in fiber and low in calories.
7. Choose tomato soup instead of cream soup.
Enjoy a hearty soup can be an option snack, appetizer or main meal right in cold weather. However, determining the choice of soup is a healthy diet naturally. But avoid creamy soups and select vegetable soup like tomato soup.
8. Choose a fruit snack instead of chips.
Snacking may be done in between meals, but choose healthy snacks. Eating only apples or pears as a snack, and avoid unhealthy snacks high in calories such as chips.
9. Choose salmon, and avoid the steak.
Limit intake of red meat and choose fish, such as salmon are rich in protein and low in saturated fat and rich in omega-3.
10. End the meal with a cup of blueberries instead of blueberry pie.
Fruit is often processed into a variety of tempting food, blueberry pie for example. Avoid desserts like this, and choose fruit, eg a cup of blueberries.

According to the nutritionist from New York University, Lisa Young, if you want to realize the intention to eat healthy, be oriented towards small steps key to success. Here are some smart and simple way to choose
healthy foods that can be implemented for a Better health naturally.
1. Choose fresh fruit rather than juice.
Juice, seem healthy, but these drinks are high in sugar and low in fiber. While fresh fruit contains more fiber and water than fresh juice. Fiber and water is needed to lose weight. By choosing fresh fruit, such as oranges, for example, than orange juice, can reduce calorie intake by 150 calories. Imagine how many calories can be reduced if you are used to eating fresh fruit every day.
2. Choose yogurt, not donuts.
Bored with the same breakfast? Vary the breakfast menu with yogurt but avoid donuts. Yogurt filling longer especially if adding fresh fruit as a topping. While if you choose breakfast donuts, not satiated obtained, but the body at risk of excess calories. Because the calorie content on a donut is high with little nutrients.
3. Choose whole wheat.
whole wheat foods contain a lot of nutrients and fiber. Such as brown rice, oatmeal, or foods that are trends in the western world. On the contrary, avoid white bread, white rice and white pasta.
4. Drinking mineral water, avoid sodas.
Containing soda, refined sugar which is a liquid sweetener, and high in calories. Replacing soda with mineral water can cut hundreds of calories. If you want to add flavor, only mineral water mixed with pieces of lemon, orange or cucumber.
5. Select English muffins instead of bagels.
Want variations breakfast with western-style food, select English muffins instead of bagels if you want to decimate up to 200 calories. Both of these foods are actually similar, yet different comparison. Eating a bagel is equivalent to eating five slices of bread, English muffins while the equivalent of two slices of bread.
6. Choose a salad as an appetizer, not fried.
If there is a choice of appetizers such as salads or a variety of fried foods, start changing habits. Choose salads, to start a great meal. Vegetables contain vitamins and high minerals, rich in fiber and low in calories.
7. Choose tomato soup instead of cream soup.
Enjoy a hearty soup can be an option snack, appetizer or main meal right in cold weather. However, determining the choice of soup is a healthy diet naturally. But avoid creamy soups and select vegetable soup like tomato soup.
8. Choose a fruit snack instead of chips.
Snacking may be done in between meals, but choose healthy snacks. Eating only apples or pears as a snack, and avoid unhealthy snacks high in calories such as chips.
9. Choose salmon, and avoid the steak.
Limit intake of red meat and choose fish, such as salmon are rich in protein and low in saturated fat and rich in omega-3.
10. End the meal with a cup of blueberries instead of blueberry pie.
Fruit is often processed into a variety of tempting food, blueberry pie for example. Avoid desserts like this, and choose fruit, eg a cup of blueberries.