5 Ways to Cut 500 calories a day - If You Want to Lose Weight
The easiest way to lose weight is to balance the portion of calories in and calories out of your body. Well, you can 'save' intake of 500 calories every day in a way that is not complicated, you know. How?
Here are 5 Ways That you Can Do to Reduce 500 Calories Intake per Day:
1. Replace Coffee Menu
Are you used to order a cup of latte (290 calories) when purchasing coffee in the morning? If yes, try to replace it with a cup of black coffee with a little sugar (22 calories). Changing the afternoon coffee Frappuccino (330 calories) with iced coffee milk (93 calories). If added together, you've just cut 505 calories from coffee.
2. Create Your Own Popcorn
Watching the movie is not complete without popcorn taste. Did you know that popcorn is actually a healthy food if you do not use any additional flavoring? Therefore, while watching a movie at home would not hurt you to make your own popcorn with natural flavors without added other flavors. That way you can also reduce your calorie intake.
3. Select the Cake With a Small Size
You want to eat sweet foods? Nothing wrong with your purchase sweets like cake or cupcake. But make sure you buy the small size, yes. That way you can also reduce your intake by 500 calories.
4. Change the Plate Size
One easy way to cut calories is to use utensils such as plates and small bowls. This optical illusion makes you automatically feel full even though the portions a little more than usual. Change the size of a dinner plate with a maximum diameter of 25 cm and you'll cut 500 calories.
5. Choose a Thinner Pizza
With many variants sold pizza, you can use it if you're want to take this Italian-style food. Order pizza bread with a thinner size because it also affects your caloric intake. In addition, select also the pizza with vegetable toppings than meat plus cream cheese topping.

Here are 5 Ways That you Can Do to Reduce 500 Calories Intake per Day:
1. Replace Coffee Menu
Are you used to order a cup of latte (290 calories) when purchasing coffee in the morning? If yes, try to replace it with a cup of black coffee with a little sugar (22 calories). Changing the afternoon coffee Frappuccino (330 calories) with iced coffee milk (93 calories). If added together, you've just cut 505 calories from coffee.
2. Create Your Own Popcorn
Watching the movie is not complete without popcorn taste. Did you know that popcorn is actually a healthy food if you do not use any additional flavoring? Therefore, while watching a movie at home would not hurt you to make your own popcorn with natural flavors without added other flavors. That way you can also reduce your calorie intake.
3. Select the Cake With a Small Size
You want to eat sweet foods? Nothing wrong with your purchase sweets like cake or cupcake. But make sure you buy the small size, yes. That way you can also reduce your intake by 500 calories.
4. Change the Plate Size
One easy way to cut calories is to use utensils such as plates and small bowls. This optical illusion makes you automatically feel full even though the portions a little more than usual. Change the size of a dinner plate with a maximum diameter of 25 cm and you'll cut 500 calories.
5. Choose a Thinner Pizza
With many variants sold pizza, you can use it if you're want to take this Italian-style food. Order pizza bread with a thinner size because it also affects your caloric intake. In addition, select also the pizza with vegetable toppings than meat plus cream cheese topping.